PGA,Sodium Polyglutamate, Gamma Poly-glutamic acid (y-PGA),Polyglutamic Acid is a natural occurring, multi-functional,and biodegradable biopolymer. It is produced through fermentation by Bacillus subtilis using glutamic acid.PGA is consists of glutamic acidmonomers cross inked between -amio and y-carboxy grouns lt s water-soluble. edble and non-toxictowards human.and is enyronmentfriendly. It has broad applications in the fields of medicine, food, cosmetics, and water treatment. More Information about PGA,
Sodium Polyglutamate,Gamma Polyglutamic Acid,first recognized in Japanese food "Natto it is a natural multifunctionalBiopolymer,produced with Bacillus Subtilis by fermentation. Itis a water soluble homopolymer it consists of D-Glutamic Acid and L-GlutamicAid monomers which are connected by amide linkages between a-amino and y-Carboxyl groups.
Lape number ofCarboxyl Groups along the molecule chain of pGA can form hydrogen bonding in a molecule or betwen diferentmolecules.Thus it has high waer absorbability and moisture retaining capability.Thanks to its unique properties
Gramma PGA can be used as thickener filmopen.humcctant retarder.cosolvent, binder and anti-freezer.therefore. the application prospect of GammaPGA is promising
Synergy Effect:Moisture is a key factor to keep the skin healthy. PGA can not only eficiently increase the moisture of skin. butparticipate in the metabolic activity of skin to improve the health condition of skin.
ncreasing and Maintaining HA of Skin:As a basic component of skin. Hyaluronic Acid (HA) can lock the moisture of the skin and maintain itselasticity,but HA can hydrolyzed very quickly by hyaluronidase of skin as well, PGA can increase and maintain the content of HA Effectively Increasing NMF in lnner Skin:As a hygroscopic material produced by skin Natural Moisturizing Factor NM) provides moisturfor skin in cuticle. The NMF including amino acids which are hydrolyzed fromskin matrix protein (e.g Filament aggrepating protein), pyrrolidone carboxylic acid (PCA). lactic acid and urocanic acid (UCA)can retain moisture of skin.PGA is the only effective inpredient that isknown till now to induce the production of NMF to 130% of the normal level. PGA can lock the moisture in inner skin by promotingthe growth of fibroblast and increasing the content of NMF in horn cells
Technical Parameters:
Applications: *Moisturizing
*Skin Whitening
*Skin Conditioning Company Overview: